Trump’s Threats Expose Canada’s Utter Dependency On The U.S.
The immediate task for Canada should be to delink from the United States and the American Empire.
Adam D.K. King is an assistant professor in Labour Studies at the University of Manitoba.
The immediate task for Canada should be to delink from the United States and the American Empire.
Unions need to innovate, collaborate and empower workers to combat further Amazon crackdowns like in Quebec.
But pensions cost employers, so winning retirement security for all will require class struggle with the bosses.
Ultimately, the only way to truly address the issues at the heart of the program is to do away with its closed work permit system.
Hopes of using the relatively robust post-pandemic economy as a springboard to build something better seem to largely be fading.
The government has affirmed that profit takes precedence over what limited rights workers have managed to secure.
We need a real commitment to full employment that uses the public sector to guarantee jobs.
A government decision to take this money and use it as it pleases amounts to theft of workers’ deferred wages.
The state of labour in Canada, how we got here under Trudeau and where things may go if the Conservatives are elected.