A More ‘Efficient’ Landlord And Tenant Board Will Mainly Hurt Renters
The claim that landlords and tenants stand to gain from fixing the LTB obfuscates its crucial role in sanctioning and enforcing evictions.
Cole Webber is a legal clinic worker in the Parkdale neighbourhood of Toronto.
The claim that landlords and tenants stand to gain from fixing the LTB obfuscates its crucial role in sanctioning and enforcing evictions.
Legal and policy prescriptions can’t contain the forces driving renovictions, but the organized efforts of working class people can.
In the midst of a pandemic, Ford has empowered landlords and police to impose greater discipline and hardship on working-class people.
Eviction, homelessness, illness and death are considered to be acceptable outcomes of the state’s pro-landlord policies.
The levels of homelessness that will result from the impending mass evictions, to start as soon as August 4, will likely be unprecedented.
Ford’s objective is to spur profit-making and clear out working class people whose homes and tenancies stand in the way.