‘How to Blow Up a Pipeline’ & The Futility Of ‘Sabotage Liberalism’
By endorsing acts that have no real path to success, these supposedly radical products hamper revolutionary work.
By endorsing acts that have no real path to success, these supposedly radical products hamper revolutionary work.
Art costs money. Creativity takes time. The combination of time and money is in short supply within capitalist democracy.
There’s something in your house, but it’s not a ghost or demon. Rather, it’s the spirit of finance capitalism, in crisis once again.
The Hockey Canada sexual assault scandals reveal so much of what is wrong in this country, from the top down.
Logistics tracks, in reverse chronological order, the journey of a pedometer from a shop in Sweden to a factory in China.
What sets Severance apart from other shows is that it unearths what’s at the heart of capitalism and how it shapes our lives.
In an age when reactionaries seek to impose violent repressions upon the body, David Cronenberg’s films offer both horror and hope.
A compilation of all movie recommendations from the Digest newsletter, curated by Passage managing editor Davide Mastracci.
Queer characters are packaged as progressive or subversive merely for their identities, without considering how it shapes their lives.