Trudeau Stood By As The Housing Crisis Engulfed Canada
The return of the Liberals to power in 2015 has basically been a continuation of the years from Jean Chrétien to Stephen Harper.
The return of the Liberals to power in 2015 has basically been a continuation of the years from Jean Chrétien to Stephen Harper.
This stat includes leaders whose spouses alone are landlords and/or invested in real estate.
Use The Maple’s searchable database to discover which Canadians MPs are landlords or invested in real estate.
The rate of real-estate investment among provincial politicians is higher in B.C. than all but two other provinces captured in The Maple's analysis.
Six of the eight provinces examined in a Maple investigation have ministers/associate ministers of housing invested in real estate
Use The Maple’s searchable database to discover which provincial representatives are landlords or invested in real estate.
Debates about whether to impose a cap on international students allow both major parties to avoid conversations about real change.
The cabinet was reshuffled on September 4 following a resignation amidst the Greenbelt scandal.
Residential real estate wealth in B.C. currently stands at a total of $2.1 trillion.